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Calcium Carbonate

Color manufacturing:
Calcium carbonate is a chemical with the molecular formula CaCO3 that is easily found in rock mines in various regions. Calcium carbonate has been used in industrial, agricultural, food, and pharmaceutical applications.
Calcium carbonate affects the transparency of paint and coating due to its softness, particle size, and good indispensability. Calcium carbonate has become very useful because of its high luminosity, low oil absorption, resistance to weathering, anti-wear, low electrolyte content, normal pH, and improved anti-corrosion and anti-deformation properties, which it produces to paint and coat material.
Water-based colors
Micronized calcium carbonate powders with soft mesh are used in the production of various water-based colors, i.n. colors that use water as a solvent.
Oil colors
Calcium carbonate mesh 800 to 1500 meshes are widely used in the production of oil colors and can use up to 55% by weight of calcium carbonate as a bulking agent.
This mineral material (calcium carbonate) is used in the food and health industry as an effective dietary supplement, antacid, phosphate glue, or base material for medicinal tablets.
Our production complex with 99.9% purity and very high whiteness and brightness can be used in the industries of color manufacturing, paper, stone paper, pharmaceutical, and food production as a raw material.